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Routledge Critical Studies in Buddhism: Ritual and Liturgy in Esoteric Chinese Buddhism : Tantric Subjects read book FB2, MOBI


The Chinese Buddhist canon contains more material on ritual and liturgy than it does doctrinal commentary. Despite this fact, most research has focused on doctrinal commentary. This book reconceptualizes the historiography of East Asian Buddhism by shifting the focus of analysis from philosophical texts and doctrine to ritual and practice. Concentrating on ritual and on the creation of new liturgical subjects and new liturgical communities, the author analyses 7th century manuals for performing ritual consecrations which were designed to install a deity in a disciple and to make that disciple a vehicle for divine action. These rituals have often been designated "tantric." In this book, they are examined from the perspective of subject formation in the practice of ritual, not from the perspective of sectarian identification in doctrine. The author argues that the new "tantric" rites are developments of earlier practices surrounding ordination and the use of visions. At the same time, the rites created new social bodies and new public subjects. A focus on such practices and subjects provides a new understanding of the role of liturgy and vision in Chinese Buddhism. The book will be of intreested to academics the field of Buddhism, Chinese religion, Tantric Buddhism, ritual studies and theory and method in the study of religion.

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Tenzin emerged from the cave with a determination to build a convent in northern India to revive the Togdenma lineage, a long-forgotten female spiritual elite.Book jacket.Despite the many attempts to disentangle the relationship between morality and emotion, as is clear from the myriad of approaches that try to understand the nature and importance of their connection, the extent of this synergy remains rather controversial.WARRIOR YOGA is an intense physical workout designed for both the nation's elite special ops soldiers, and the regular athlete with the heart and mind of a warrior.It explains why the brain, the 'mechanism', can only work in certain ways and introduces the four basic types of thinking that have gone on to inform his life's work, namely 'natural thinking', 'logical thinking',' mathematical thinking' and 'lateral thinking'.The Community Trigger, ASB Case Reviews, the Community Remedy Document Appendices: 1.This story would be remarkable no matter who it happened to.A detailed and well-researched introduction sets Terence in his context in the Roman theatre, while the commentaries, with their useful line-by-line analysis, provide the reader with valuable information about the social and ethical background, as well as offering views on interpretation.He squarely confronts the question whether the Community is likely to become a federal state, and offers his own neo-federalist approach.No scientist or person of faith will be able to ignore it.Yet, as most recently demonstrated by military coups in 2006 and 2014, that hasn¿t happened.RT Book Reviews" It s a pleasant escape to a state of mind in which rebuilding a life is as simple as pitching an umbrella and spreading out a towel.From affordable snacks to the more up-market, this collection will focus on the celebration of fresh and local ingredients and different cultures and cuisines.Part two of book eight treats the stages of meditation as these are described the sutra tradition that includes the three paths of the sravaka, the pratyekabuddha, and the bodhisattva.", In Tibetan religious literature, JamgandÖn KongtrandÜland#39;s Treasury of Knowledge in ten books stands out as a unique, encyclopedic masterpiece embodying the entire range of Buddhist teachings as it was preserved in Tibet.